
Ot sostavitelaNatalia Pecerskaa11-12
From the editorialNatalia Pecherskaya13-14
[Köszöntő]Leonid Romankov17
[Köszöntő]John B. Hulst17-21
[Köszöntő]Natalia Pecherskaya21-24
Delo hristianskogo prosvescenia i paradigmy russkoj kul'tury : The task of christian education and paradigms of Russian cultureSergey Khoruzhy27-46
O pravoslavnom podhode k vyssemu obrazovaniu v rossii v XXI veke : Toward an orthodox approach to higher education in 21st century RussiaJames R. Payton Jr46-66
Tradicia, krizis i perspektivy sistemy byssego obrazovania v Rossii. : Tradition, crisis and perspectives of the Russian higher education systemHarmen J. Brinkman67-84
Bogoslovskij deficit víssefo obrazovania. : The theological deficit in higher educationIsidor Levin85-106
K voprosu o kul'turnoj poli cerkvi v svetskom obrazovanii. : On the question of the church's cultural role in educationNatalia Pecherskaya107-121
Nauka, metafizika, religia v zerkale vyssego obrazovania, : Science, metaphysics and religion in the mirror of higher educationVladimir Katasonov121-128
Granica ob'ektivnyh metodov poznania, ili ocertania novoj merafiziki, : The limits of objective methods of cognition or the outline of a new metaphysicsAlexander Belyakov128-154
Rannie otcy cerkvi kak bospitateli i ucitela. : The early christian fathers as educators and teachersElmar Sokolov157-163
Problemy hristianskogo obrazovania i sekularizacia obsestva. : The problems of christian education and the secularization of societyJonathan F. Sutton164-169
Hristianskie perspektivy vyssego obrazovania v gumanitarnom znanii. : Christian perspectives of higher education in the humanitiesNatalia Sakharova170-177
Vyssee hristianskoe obrazovanie : nase mesto v istorii. : Perspectives of christian higher education in philosophy : Christian higher education : our situation in historyWendy Helleman182-188
Perspektivy prepodavania hristianskoj politologii v duhovnyh skolah. : The prospects of teaching christian political science in church schoolsMargarita Shilkina188-197Az oldalak összekeverve lettek a kötetbe kötve.
Perspektivy hristianskogo vyssego obrazovania : obsestvennye nauki. : Perspectives of christian higher education : the social sciences.Bob Goudzwaard198-209Az oldalak a kötetben összekeverve kerültek bekötésre.
Hristianskoe obrazovanie i postroenie grazdanskogo obsestva. : Christian higher education and the building of a civil societyEvert van der Zweerde209-213
Obseobrazovatel'nyj aspekt prepodavania biblijskoj istorii v vyssej i srednej skoleYuri Ruban213-220
Gumanitarnoe obrazovanie v pluralisticeskom obsestve, ili pocemu nel'za zaglusat' religioznye goloca. : Liberal education for a pluralistic society : why religious voices must not be silencedDavid A. Hoekema220-240
Hristianskoe obrazovanie i othosenie k drugim konfessiam i religiam. : Christian education and relations between confessions and toward different religionsAdrian A. Helleman241-252
Hristianskoe obnaruzenie celoveceskogo na rubeze vekov : ot metafiziki i pedagogike. : The christian discovery of the human at the turn of the century : from metaphysics to pedagogyMikhail Uvarov252-256
Prilozenie. : Appendix257-277