
ForewordYoshiro Ishida5
Some introductory notesEckehart Lorenz7-9
Resolution on Southern Africa : confessional integrity (Dar es Salaam, Sixth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation, 1977 )11
Church unity and human divisions of racismManas Buthelezi13-21
Our Lutheran church in the South African crisis : A survey of the situation and the Status conessionisChristoph Brandt23-35
Politics and confessing : summary of the discussion and open questionsEckehart Lorenz37-46
The special case for confessing : reflections on the Casus confessionis (Dar es Salaam, 1977 ) in the light of history and systemtic theologyMartin Schloemann47-94A 82. oldal hiányzik.
Confessing as re-defining authority : ethical implications of Augsburg's "time for confessing"Robert Bertram95-104
Confessing in ecumenical solidarity : Ecclesiological aspects of the declaration of the Status confessionisHelmut Zeddies105-117
Practical implications of Status confessionisRalston Deffenbaugh119-123
Findings and recommendations125-133
Attachments : Safeguarding peaceKarlheinz Stoll137-142