Cím | Szerző | Oldalszám | Kieg.adatok | Megjegyzés | Tárgyszavak |
Introduction | György Benyik | 13-14 | | | |
We have had a great loss - an excellent Bible translator has passed away [Sándor Cserháti] | Ottó Pecsuk | 15-16 | | | |
"Praise to God" as virtue in the Book of Scond Isaiah : with special regard to the Septuagint version | Manabu Akiyama John | 17-25 | | | |
Moral expostulations in the first letter of Peter - 1Pt 2,11-3,12 ? A situation of apology | Károly Bácskai | 27-35 | | | |
Moral and virtue in economics : is paradigm shift possible in economic life? | Laura Baritz | 37-48 | | | |
Il silenzio delle donne alla tomba vuota de Gésu - la fedelta al mistero rivelato | Taras Barscevski | 49-60 | | | |
Virtue (areti ) and vice lists in hellenistic literature and in the Bible - and their attributes | György Benyik | 61-78 | | | |
"Freut euch an jenem Tag und hüpft" (Lk 6,23 ) : Das Verb "skiratao" bei Lukas | Mario Cifrak | 79-88 | | | |
But who is the one, who really loves? : The contextual examination of Lev 19,18 in the Hebrew-Greek Old Testament, in the Q, in the Didache and in the rabbinical literature | Sándor Enghy | 89-100 | | | |
Zwischen Pflicht und Einsicht - überlegungen zu Psalm 1 | Jutta Hausmann | 101-107 | | | |
Die "Auferstehung auf das Leben" nach 2Makk 7 | Endre Horváth | 109-118 | | | |
Who is the righteous and who is the fool? : Ruminations on proverbs 10 | György Kocsi | 119-131 | | | |
Christus als Vorbild der Demut nach Phil 2,1-11 | Imre Kocsis | 133-140 | | | |
Macht haben und Macht ausüben - über Röm 13,1-7 nachdenken | Viktor Kókai Nagy | 141-153 | | | |
Cult vs. religion : philological understanding of Babylon as cult symbol in book of Revelation | Erik Kormos | 155-169 | | | |
Conscience in Saint Paul and its antecedents | Mihály Kránitz | 171-184 | | | |
The crucifixion of the flesh with its passions and desires by Paul | Virgil László | 185-194 | | | |
How does St Thomas Aquinas use of the Holy Bible in his argumentation on the virtues in Summa Theologiae | Mihály Laurinyecz | 195-210 | | | |
Joseph's righteousness in Mt 1,18-25 | Lehel Lészai | 211-218 | | | |
Prayer and ethics : Examples from the Bible | Levente Balázs Martos | 219-227 | | | |
Der Laster- und der Tugendkatalog in Gal 5,19-23 | Martin Meiser | 229-248 | | | |
"Not acting honourably toward the virgin" : Translational options and interpretational history of 1 Corinthians 7 : 36-38 | Ottó Pecsuk | 249-261 | | | |
The role of virtues in the Greek eschatology : (Die Rolle der Tugend in der greichischen Schatologie ) | Imre Peres | 263-277 | | | |
Metanoia (mtanoia - mtanoein ) bei Pilo von Alexandrien mit einem kurzen Ausblick auf das NT | Gottfried Schimanovski | 279-298 | | | |
"All powers are ordered by God." Romans 13 : 1-7 : Rabbinic commentaries | József Széchi | 299-309 | | | |
Disciplinary and doctrinal regulations of the early church (until the 5th century ) on the basis of virtues and their biblical origins | Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi | 311-321 | | | |
Virtuous man in the Book in Psalms | Imre Tokics | 323-326 | | | |
"Seid barmherzig!" (Lk 6,36 ) | Csaba Török | 327-338 | | | |
Lukanische Kajobusklauseln vor dem Hintergrund der matthäischen Bergpredigt | Vadim Wittkowsky | 339-346 | | | |
Bibliography of Sándor Cserháti | | 347-355 | | | |
Oriental studies and interfaith dialogue essays in honour of József Szécsi : Book review | György Kocsi | 357-362 | | | |
Nechruf Prof. Dr. Ulrich Luz (1938-2019 ) | | 363-364 | | | |
In memoriam Petr Pokorny (1933-2020 ) | Imre Peres | 365-369 | | | |
Contributions | | 371-373 | | | |